62 Fruits of Trinidad and Tobago (with Photos)

There are many local fruits of Trinidad and Tobago and here are just 62 with photos. Fruits that are considered veggies have been left out and, note, there is no official national fruit of Trinidad and Tobago.

If you want to learn more about our local fruits, check out these posts on barbadine, caimite, chenet, and pomerac.

Trinidad Fruits List


akee ripe with seeds

Other names: ackee, akye fufo
Botanical name: Blighia sapida

Native to West Africa, akee is far more popular in Jamaica than Trinbago. The unripe fruit is toxic but when ripe and fully open (when it has smiled), it can be cooked with saltfish, veggies, and more.


almond tropical

Other names: tropical almond, beach almond
Botanical name: Terminalia catappa

The fruit is edible but tropical almond trees are considered ornamental in T&T. The trees offer nice shady spots along many beaches like Maracas and Store Bay.


anar with pink seeds

Other names: pomegranate
Botanical name: Punica granatum

Although fruits with red skin and red pulp are synonymous with pomegranate, the local variety has yellow to light pink skin and clear to light pink pulp. It’s great for making juice.


bael cut open

Other names: Bengal quince, stone apple
Botanical name: Aegle marmelos

Native to India, the bael tree is considered sacred by Hindus and is mentioned in the Rig Veda (ancient religious text). Its fruit has floral, citrus and tangy flavors.


Other names: bulletwood, ausubo
Botanical name: Manilkara bidentata

Balata is a small brown fruit that has a large black seed surrounded by sweet, white, juicy pulp. It is tasty but is not widely found in markets across the country. Side note, the wood from the balata tree is used to make furniture and other wooden products.


banana on banana tree

There are many types of banana in T&T, too many to add to this Trinidad fruits list. Bananas are elongated edible fruits with a characteristic curve.

The types in Trinbago include: cooking fig, chiquito or soucrier or sikiye fig, Gros Michel, moko, plantain, silk fig, and more.

Also, check out my banana recipes like banana bread, eggless banana bread, banana bread muffins, strawberry banana nice cream, boiled plantain, plantain chips and mangu (made with green plantain).


barbadine on vine

Other names: giant granadilla, grenadine
Botanical name: Passiflora quadrangularis

Barbadine is a large, oblong fruit that becomes soft and yellow when ripe (often on the vine). The flesh can be blended with condensed milk and sweeteners to make a delicious barbadine punch. Learn more about barbadine here.


bilimbi fruit on tree

Other names: amrac, condishore, one finger, kamranga, sourie
Botanical name: Averrhoa bilimbi

Bilimbi is a small, elongated fruit that looks similar to a cucumber. The flesh is crunchy, juicy and very sour. The fruit is often used to make achar, chutney and pepper sauce.

Black sapote

black sapote fruit

Other names: chocolate pudding fruit
Botanical name: Diospyros nigra (syn. Diospyros digyna)

This rare fruit in T&T actually feels, looks and tastes like chocolate pudding when very ripe to overripe. The fruit is delicious on its own and makes a great homemade ice cream.


breadfruit on breadfruit tree

Botanical name: Artocarpus altilis

Breadfruit is a large, starchy fruit that can be boiled, fried, roasted and served as a savory side dish. It is a great potato substitute since it has a similar texture and taste. Check out how to prepare breadfruit and its benefits here. And there are a couple breadfruit recipes on this blog like breadfruit pie and breadfruit chips.


purple caimite cut in half

Other names: caimito, purple star apple
Botanical name: Chrysophyllum caimito

What is star apple called in Trinidad? It’s caimite. There are two varieties of caimite: green skinned caimite with pale pulp and purple skinned caimite with vibrant purple and white pulp. Both types are very sweet and jelly-like. The fruits are often enjoyed as they are. Read more about the fruit here.


cantaloupe cut in half

Botanical name: Cucumis melo var. cantalupo

Cateloupe is a large, thin-skinned fruit with juicy, orange flesh. You can find the fruit in every market across the country but I highly recommend purchasing the fruit from vendors along the Manzanilla-Mayaro stretch. It stays longer and tastes better when ripe.


cashew false fruit and true fruit

Botanical name: Anacardium occidentale

The pear-shaped fleshy part of the cashew is actually a false fruit. The true fruit grows underneath and contains a single cashew nut. The false fruit is enjoyed as it is, though it has a strong smell and taste (I find it unpleasant and it often makes you cough). The true fruit is roasted in open air (to burn off toxic oils) before being shelled to obtain the cashew nut.


chalta on tree

Other names: elephant apple
Botanical name: Dillenia indica

Native to Asia, chalta is a sour fruit that is favored by Asian elephants and other animals; hence the name elephant apple. Here in Trinidad, chalta is most often boiled in salted water, dried, and cooked with garlic, pepper, masala and salt to make chalta achar.


chataigne on chataigne tree

Other names: breadnut, katahar
Botanical name: Artocarpus camansi

Chataigne is a large fruit with thorny green skin and many seeds. It is the seeded and wild ancestor of breadfruit. Chataigne is most often curried and cooked with coconut milk. Mature seeds can cause flatulence.



Other names: chenette, chennet, quenepa, guinep, Spanish lime
Botanical name: Melicoccus bijugatus

Most often found in Tobago, chenet is a small fruit with a brittle shell. The shell is easily cracked open with the teeth revealing a single seed covered with sweet juicy pulp. The pulp is most often sucked dry and the seed is discarded. Chenet chow is another popular way to enjoy the fruit. Read more about chenette over here.

Chinese tamarind

chinese tamarind on tree

Other names: Spanish tamarind, tamarind dayza
Botanical name: Vangueria madagascariensis

Native to Africa, Chinese tamarind is small and yellow-brown when ripe. The fruit pulp has a unique flavor profile reminiscent of apple, tamarind and chocolate.


cocoa trinitario

Other names: cacao
Botanical name: Theobroma cacao

There are several varieties of cocoa, but the main ones are Forastero (resilient), Criollo (flavorful) and their hybrid descendant Trinitario (both resilient and flavorful). The cross-pollination of the parent cocoa varieties is believed to have happened in T&T. And Trinitario cocoa is considered the best cocoa in the world.  Did you know in the mid-1800s, Trinidad produced 20% of the worldā€™s cocoa?

Custard apple

custard apple fruit and slice

Botanical name: Annona reticulata

Custard apple looks similar to sugar apple but has much smoother skin. It is often brown to reddish when ripe and its flesh has this unique, sweet custard-like flavor.

Dragon fruit

dragon fruit with white flesh

Other names: pitahaya
Botanical name: Selenicereus undatus

Dragon fruits are large, usually red fruits with small leaves around the fruit. The insides are white or red with tiny black seeds dispersed throughout. Dragon fruits come from cacti plants which have recently been introduced to the T&T commercial market. There is now a concerted effort to mass produce the fruit.  I used the dragon fruit in this tropical fruit salad recipe and this delicious fruit smoothie (it’s so good!).


dongs or dunks

Other names: dunks, dounce
Botanical name: Ziziphus mauritiana

Dongs are relatively small, green-skinned fruits that have white, crisp flesh that is mostly sour. It is best used to make dongs chow.

Fat pork

fat pork coco plum on tree

Other names: fat poke, coco plum, paradise plum, icaco
Botanical name: Chrysobalanus icaco

Fat pork is an uncommon fruit in T&T. It is small, circular and often has red skin when ripe. The flesh is white, sweet and mild and the singular seed contains a white edible kernel that also has very mild flavor.

Five fingers

five finger with cut fruit

Other names: carambola, star fruit
Botanical name: Averrhoa carambola

What is five finger fruit in Trinidad? Five fingers are also called carambola and are thin-skinned, star-shaped fruits that are often tangy and sour. Slices can be added to salads or used to make juice and chow.


guava and cut fruit

Botanical name: Psidium guajava

There are two types of guava on the islands: Cayenne guava is larger with white flesh and common guava is smaller with pink flesh. Guava has high levels of Vitamin C and is considered a superfruit. It also has good amounts of pectin which is ideal for making jam, jelly and guava cheese. Check out my guava juice recipe here.

Governor plum

governor plum on tree

Other names: jocote
Botanical name: Spondias purpurea

Governor plum is a small fruit that tend to be oddly shaped with little knobbed parts. The fruit contains a large seed, surrounded by yellow flesh. When green, the plum is tangy and sour; when ripe, the skin changes to a red to red-orange color and the flesh becomes softer and sweeter.


grapefruit with cut fruit

Botanical name: Citrus paradisi

There are a few types of grapefruit in T&T, but ā€˜pink marshā€™ is the most prevalent. It is a large light green- to yellow-skinned fruit that has pink flesh inside. It can be fairly sweet and makes a great juice and cocktails like grapefruit margaritas, greyhound, and paloma drinks.

Gru gru bef

Other names: gru gru, banga, gloo gloo
Botanical name: Acrocomia aculeata

The fruit of this palm is small, spherical and has a thick green or brown outer shell. Inside is a white kernel that has a coconut-like flavor.

Hog plum

hog plum fruits

Other names: yellow mombin, Spanish plum, gully plum, coolie plum
Botanical name: Spondias mombin

Similar to governor plum, hog plum is a small, smooth skinned fruit that ranges in color from green to yellow. It contains a large seed surrounded by tangy to sweet yellow flesh. It is perfect for making plum chow.


jackfruit on jack tree

Other names: cowah
Botanical name: Artocarpus heterophyllus

Jackfruit is a giant fruit that is related to breadfruit and chataigne. Its skin is not as smooth as breadfruit and not prickly like chataigne. Green jackfruit has a similar texture to meat and can be seasoned and cooked to resemble pulled pork. Ripe jackfruit is sweet and can be used to make juice or desserts.


jamun fruit in bowl

Other names: Malabar plum, Java plum, black plum
Botanical name: Syzygium cumini

Jamun is a small, oblong fruit that turns from green to pink, red, and finally black. The flesh is juicy and a bit acidic. It is used to make juice, jelly and more.

Lay lay

Other names: candlestick
Botanical name: Cordia collococca

An uncommon fruit on this Trinidad fruits list, lay lay is a small, spherical cherry-like fruit. It has a juicy pulp with a large seed inside. The flavor is tangy, similar to cranberries.


rough skin lemon green

Other names: rough lemon
Botanical name: Citrus jambhiri

Rough-skin lemon is a large citrus fruit with thick, bumpy skin. The juice of the citrus is sour and lemon-flavored. It is used to make lemon juice, to season meats, fish, and more.


lime fruit on lime tree

Botanical name: Citrus aurantiifolia

There are several types of lime in T&T. The local limes are very small, yellow-skinned when ripe with yellow pulp. Other limes are larger, green-skinned with green pulp. There are also large seedless varieties. The juice is refreshing and can also be used in cocktails like daiquiris, margaritas, kamikaze, blue kamikaze and paloma drinks.


lychee fruits with cut fruit

Botanical name: Litchi chinensis

Similar to rambutan, lychee is a small red-skinned fruit but without soft spines. Inside is an oblong seeds surrounded by white, translucent pulp. The pulp is sweet and floral.

Mamey sapote

Other names: mammy sapote, mamey apple
Botanical name: Mammea americana

Mamey sapote is a relatively large spherical fruit with brown textured skin. The fruit contains a large fuzzy seed and yellow to orange flesh. The flesh has a sweet, fruity, pleasant taste.


mandarin fruits

Botanical name: Citrus reticulata*

Mandarin is similar to portugal. It has orange skin when ripe, and has much smaller and sweeter pegs with orange flesh.


mango on mango tree

The list of mango varieties in T&T is extensive. Mangoes range in size and have thin, smooth, leathery skin. Mangoes contain one large seed surrounded by yellow, juicy, delicious flesh. Varieties include doux doux, calabash, cutlass, Graham, hog, horse, Julie, long, rose, spice and starch mango.

Mangoes can be used to make achar, kuchela, chutney, chow, and more.

Miracle fruit

miracle fruit on tree

Other names: miracle berry
Botanical name: Synsepalum dulcificum

Miracle fruit is a small, elongated red berry-like fruit with a large black seed and white, translucent pulp. The pulp is fairly sour but has a unique compound that makes sour fruits eaten after taste sweet.


noni fruit on tree

Other names: great morinda, Indian mulberry, cheese fruit
Botanical name: Morinda citrifolia

Noni is an oval shaped fruit that lightens in color when ripe. It has a really strong smell, similar to vomit. In Trinbago, it is sterilized, added to a sterilized jar and sealed. It is placed in the sun often for close to two months and slowly ferments. The liquid given off is strained, stored and taken in small doses.


orange and cut fruit

Botanical name: Citrus sinensis

There are several types of oranges in Trinidad and Tobago including king, navel, otnick, parson brown, pineapple, and more. The fruits are spherical, thin-skinned and contain segmented, sweet yellow pulp but have slight differences in shape, color, sweetness and flavor.


padoo fruit on tree

Other names: pois doux, ice cream bean
Botanical name: Inga edulis

Padoo is a thin, long green pod that is often twisted. Inside the pod, there are several black seeds covered in a white, cottony flesh. This flesh has a similar taste to vanilla ice cream.

Passion fruit

passion fruits with cut fruit

Botanical name: Passiflora edulis

Passion fruit is a circular fruit with a thick but brittle skin. The yellow variety is predominant in T&T. Inside the fruit, there are dozens of tiny black seeds surrounded by yellow, floral smelling pulp. The seeds and pulp can be blended and strained to make a delicious, tart passion fruit juice. The juice is often used in many desserts. I’ve also made passion fruit syrup as well that works great in cocktails.

Paw paw

pawpaw cut fruit

Other names: papaya
Botanical name: Carica papaya

Pawpaw is one of the most common fruits in T&T. It is a large, oblong fruit that turns yellow when ripe. The flesh inside is sweet and bright orange. Tiny black seeds are found in the center. Green pawpaw is used to make pawpaw balls. Ripe pawpaw can be added to fruit salad, smoothies, or enjoyed as is. The seeds are edible and even the extract of young leaves can be used to treat dengue fever.


peewah with cut fruit

Other names: peach palm
Botanical name: Bactris gasipaes

The fruit of this palm looks like a mini-coconut. It has a thin skin, orange flesh and a single seed at the center. Peewah must be boiled to be edible and has a unique, starchy taste.


pineapple on pineapple plant

Botanical name: Ananas comosus

Pineapple is a very common fruit on this Trinidad fruits list. It is long and covered in soft spikes. Its flesh is yellow, sweet when ripe, and full of unique floral flavor. Pineapples are used to make juice, pineapple chow, pineapple upside down cake, and more.


pomerac with cut fruit

Other names: pommerac, Jamaican apple, Otaheite apple, Malay rose apple, mountain apple
Botanical name: Syzygium malaccense

Pomerac is a pear-shaped fruit that has red to dark red skin when ripe. It contains a single large seed surrounded by white flesh that has a softer, spongier texture than an apple. It has a floral, sweet taste and makes a great juice or chow. Read more about pomerac over here.


pommecythere on tree

Other names: June plum, golden apple, ambarella
Botanical name: Spondias dulcis (syn. Spondias cytherea)

What is June plum called in Trinidad? It is pommecythere, which is an oblong, green skinned fruit with a large spiked seed surrounded by juicy, yellow to green flesh. The flesh can range from tart when green to sweet when ripe. Pommecythere is used to make chutney, chow, juice, achar, kuchela and more.


portugal with peel

Other names: mandarin orange
Botanical name: Citrus reticulata

Portugal is a citrus fruit with thick skin and a flat base. The skin can be easily peeled off by hand revealing portugal segments or pegs. These pegs contain juicy, orange flesh.


rambutan fruit with open fruit

Botanical name: Nephelium lappaceum

Rambutan is a small, red fruit covered with soft spines. Inside, there is a single seed surrounded by pale white flesh. Its taste is sweet, acidic and similar to grapes. It is not the same thing as lychee.


roucou and roucou seeds

Other names: achiote, annatto
Botanical name: Bixa orellana

Roucou fruits are cone-shaped capsules covered in soft spines. It contains close to 50 seeds, which are coated with a red pigment. This pigment is extracted, salted and used to color and flavor meat, pelau and other dishes. Learn more about roucou here.


saijan or moringa

Other names: moringa, drumstick
Botanical name: Moringa oleifera

Saijan fruits are long green pods. The young pods are most often cooked and curried with potatoes or tomatoes. The leaves are also considered a superfood since it is packed with many vitamins and minerals. The leaves can be made into a powder too.


sapodilla with cut fruit

Other names: sapota, naseberry
Botanical name: Manilkara zapota

Sapodilla is a large berry with brown skin and yellow brown flesh. Its texture is grainy, similar to that of a pear. The fruit is very, very sweet.


series or cerise

Other names: rolling cherry, cerise, governor cherry, ramontchi
Botanical name: Flacourtia indica

This small fruit has red skin and light yellow to yellow brown pulp. When ripe, it is rolled to soften the fruit and can be squeezed open and enjoyed. * Iā€™m not sure if this fruit is mistaken for camu camu *


shaddock fruits

Other names: pomelo
Botanical name: Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis

Shaddock is the primary ancestor of the grapefruit and is one of the largest citrus fruits on the islands. It has a similar taste to grapefruit but its flesh is pale yellow.


sorrel on tree

Other names: roselle
Botanical name: Hibiscus sabdariffa

Sorrel is a small, green fruit surrounded by bright red petals. These petals are brewed with spices to make a sorrel drink. Chutney and jam can also be made with the petals. My aunt uses the sorrel leaves to make sorrel bhaji. See what other recipes you can make with sorrel here.

Sour cherry

sour cherry on tree

Other names: Otaheite gooseberry, Malay gooseberry, star gooseberry, West Indian gooseberry
Botanical name: Phyllanthus acidus

Sour cherry is a small, pale yellow fruit with a juicy but very sour pulp. It is often pickled to make sour cherry achar or sweetened to make sour cherry jam.


soursop on tree

Other names: graviola, guanabana, thorny custard apple
Botanical name: Annona muricata

Soursop is a large green-skinned fruit covered in small thorns. The pulp inside is white, unique and flavorful, reminiscent of citrus and berries. The pulp is often used to make soursop juice or mixed with milk and condensed milk to make soursop punch. You should also note the seeds are toxic so remove them from the fruit before using.

There are ways to use soursop – check out these eight soursop recipes. And, the leaves can be used to make soursop tea.

Sugar apple

sugar apple with cut fruit

Other names: sweetsop, cashima
Botanical name: Annona squamosa

Sugar apple is part of the soursop and custard apple family. The fruit is heart-shaped, green skinned, and covered in raised ā€˜petal-sizedā€™ bumps. The flesh is white and tastes like sweetened condensed milk.


tamarind pods on tree

Other names: tambran
Botanical name: Tamarindus indica

Tamarind is part of the legume family and bears short, brown pods. Seeds contained in the pods are coated with thin, brown pulp that is tangy and flavorful. The pulp is soaked and used to make chutney, sauce, tamarind balls, and more.


tangelo on tree

Botanical name: Citrus tangelo

Tangelo is a relatively small citrus fruit with smooth yellow skin and sweet, pink flesh. It resembles a smaller, sweeter pink grapefruit.

Tonka bean

tonka beans and fruit

Botanical name: Dipteryx odorata

Tonka beans are small fruits that turn brown when ripe. The fruit is reminiscent of a dry, unique mango. The elongated seeds are dried and used as a natural vanilla-like flavoring when making homemade cocoa, coffee, and baked treats.


watermelon cut in half

Botanical name: Citrullus lanatus

Watermelon is a large berry with a thick rind and bright red flesh. It is one of the most common fruits available on the islands. Watermelons tend to be sweeter during the dry season.

West Indian cherry

ripe west indian cherries

Other names: acerola, Barbados cherry
Botanical name: Malpighia emarginata

This tiny cherry has edible red skin and sweet yellow pulp; the seeds are discarded. The pulp contains extremely high levels of Vitamin C ā€“ one cup contains over 1,500mg of the vitamin (you only need 100mg a day).


zaboca with green skin

Other names: avocado
Botanical name: Persea americana

Zaboca is a thin-skinned fruit with buttery flesh and a single large seed at the center. The main local varieties include pollock (fleshy, loose seed), lula (pear shaped with a longer ā€˜neckā€™), and Simmonds (lighter skin and flesh color). Zaboca choka (a simple avocado guacamole) is a delicious way to enjoy this fruit.

Do you know any other fruits to add to this Trinidad fruits list? Leave it in the comments.


    1. We use the green plum to make chow…..I grew up knowing it as Jamaican plum. A small but longish fruit….it is used to make preserved plums with red colouring. wich is so often seen in the groceries here in T & T .
      The other plum Governor plum …..ripens with a dark green rough skin with a nipple at the bottom end. It also gets a bit mauve in colour as it ripens. Very little fruit here as the seed takes up a large part of the fruit. Large tree with a grey bark…..and small oval shaped leaves.

  1. I don’t know the correct name or the correct spelling for the name that I do know, it sounds like “goo goo beff” its sweet, the flesh is very “thick” I don’t know how else to describe it. It sticks to your teeth when you bite into it. Do you know of anything like that?

      1. what about “tipi tambu” which i learnt today is actually named “petit tambu” meaning small yam. Maybe it is not considered a fruit? we ate a lot as children, It was boiled in salt. today I use as a sub for bamboo shoots in Chinese cooking

        1. Yep it’s a tuber, part of the arrowroot family and so not a fruit. Its botanical name is Goeppertia allouia (or Calathea allouia) if you’re interested in learning more about it.

  2. Does anyone know about Cocoa orange?…a variety of local orange that grows from the seed. Can’t find any info on it on the internet

    1. My dad had cocoa orange trees decades ago in south. The fruits were large, sweet but can’t be grafted. St. Augustine nurseries may be a good place to contact to find out some info about the variety.

  3. I haven’t seen penny piece or laylay on the list, but I do like all that you have here so far šŸ™‚

      1. I had the privilege of tasting Lay Lay last weekend, it was very sweet with a slimy mouth feel, it’s a very delicate fruit, and I’m sure it will make a good homemade wine. I got it in Tamana area for those interested.

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